dad jokes try not to laugh

52 Dad Jokes Try Not Laugh Edition

There are so many Dad jokes that exist and you have probably laughed at most of them but now is your chance to take part in a Dad jokes try not to laugh challenge. Let’s see if you have what it takes to not laugh while you read through all 52 of these Dad jokes.

1. Why do bees have sticky hair?

Because they use honeycombs.

2. Have you read the book about hands?

It’s a real page-turner.

3. How do you row a boat filled with puppies?

Bring out the doggy paddle.

4. What kind of shoes does a lazy person wear?


5. How do you make 7 even?

Take away the ‘S’.

6. How do you make an egg giggle?

Tell it a yolk!

7. What kind of car does a sheep like to drive?

A Lamb-orghini.

8. Two guys walked into a bar.

The third guy ducked.

9. Did you know corduroy pillows are in style?

They’re making headlines.

10. Why does Snoop Dogg always carry an umbrella?

Fo’ drizzle.

11. What’s it called when you drop a nacho in mayonnaise?

Sinko de mayo!

12. Why do nurses carry red pens?

In case they have to draw blood.

13. I used to play piano by ear,

Now I use my hands.

14. What does a nosy pepper do?

It gets jalapeno business!

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15. What do you call a hot dog on wheels?

Fast Food!

16. What did the accountant say while auditing a document?

“This is taxing!”

17. What do you call a fibbing cat?

A lion.

18. Why is a computer so smart?

Because it listens to its motherboard!

19. What does a cow use to do math?

A cow-culator.

20. What did the drummer name his twin daughters?

Anna one, Anna Two!

21. What would bears be without the letter B?


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22. I was going to tell a time-traveling joke, but you guys didn’t like it.

23. What’s a crafty dancer’s favorite hobby?

Cutting a rug.

24. What’s the most detail-oriented ocean?

The Pacific.

 25. What kind of tea do you drink with the King?


26. What did Tennessee?

The same thing as Arkansas.

27. I bought the world’s worst thesaurus.

Not only is it awful, it’s awful too.

28. What do you call an unpredictable camera?

A loose Canon.

29. What did the llama say to his date?

“ Want to go on a picnic? Alpaca lunch.”

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30. R.I.P. boiling water. 

You will be mist.

31. I hate jokes about German sausage.

They’re the wurst!

32. What did the flowers do when the bride walked down the aisle?

They rose.

33. What are snails bad at racing?

They’re sluggish.

34. What did the ocean say to the boat?

Nothing, it just waved!

35.  Why do trees seem suspicious on sunny days?

They just seem a little shady!

36. What do you call a penguin in the White House?


37. How does a boar sign its name?

With a pigpen.

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38. Want to hear a potassium joke?


39. What happens when you go to the bathroom in France?


40. Want to hear a joke about paper?

Nevermind, it’s tearable.

41. Why did everyone enjoy being around the volcano?

It’s just so lava-ble.

42. What did the fisherman say to the magician?

“Pick a cod, any cod.”

43. What’s red, white, blue and yellow?

The Star-Spangled Banana!

44. What did Mars ask Saturn?

“Hey, can you give me a ring sometime?”

45. What did one Dorito farmer say to the other?

“Cool ranch!”

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46. What did the baby champagne bottle call her father?


47. Why are spiders so smart?

They can find everything on the web.

48. Don’t trust atoms.

They make up everything!

49. Why did the robot go on vacation?

It needed to recharge its batteries.

50. What do clouds do when they become rich?

They make it rain!

51. Did you hear about the bacon cheeseburger who couldn’t stop telling jokes?

It was on a roll!

52. My friend eats a bowl of fries, cheese curds, and gravy every morning.

It’s his daily poutine.

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