father to be go bag

12 Things To Pack In A Father To Be Go Bag

As a Dad, it is better to be over prepared than under prepared. The last thing that you are going to want to do is have to drive home and pick up something that you may have forgotten. Emotions run high when your baby is about to enter this world and you may not want to be driving on the roads.

The more in advance that you can pack your father to be go bag, the more prepared you will be to meet your new baby. And it is better to start packing early so that you will not forget anything at the last minute. Here are 12 things to pack in a father to go bag that you start on as early as today.

Father To Be Go Bag Checklist For Dad

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Treat this list like a grocery list and check things off as you prepare them in advance!

Remember, the items included in this list are items to ensure that you, as a new dad, are comfortable during this experience. Much like a carry on for travelling, pack your own bag separate from the hospital bag that you and your partner will pack.

The more comfortable that you are, the more supportive and plugged in you will be when your baby arrives. This list is not meant to disregard mom whatsoever, this is about helping you become more comfortable, calm and relaxed.

Cozy blanket and pillow

There is a good chance that you will be staying at the hospital overnight if not longer. Be sure to pack a cozy blanket and a pillow or two. You will most likely be spending a lot of your time in a hospital chair. And it’s perfectly fine to use your own blanket and pillow.

Cell phone, earbuds, and charger

This might be self explanatory but it can be easily overlooked. Especially if you are in a rush to get out the door. And not only can you make calls and text with your smartphone, most phones these days have a great camera on them that you can use to capture your little one’s first moments. The earbuds will help keep you entertained during some brief downtime moments.


Pack your toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant at the very least. However, you can also pack shampoo, conditioner, and a razor. The key is not to bring every product you use but bring the basics.

Car seat

An absolute must have is a car seat for your new little bundle of joy. You will need this to bring your baby home. Ensure it is fastened securely and safely in place. Doing this well in advance is recommended. And if you are not completely sure how to install a car set, check with family and friends that already have kids. They will be a great resource.

Snacks items and beverages

It is important for Dads to stay nourished. Packing things like granola bars, trail mix, and some fruits and veggies like carrots to snack on will do the trick. Try to avoid foods that have an overpowering scent. Do this as a courtesy to mom and the hospital staff. Apple juice, orange juice, iced tea and water are great drinks to bring with you to the hospital.

List of people to contact

This may seem redundant as you are probably well aware of who you want to notify when the baby arrives but things can get quite hectic and having a list prepared in advance will help you stay focused. Even better, you can create a group chat on social media and include those that want intermittent updates.

Insurance documents and other pertinent paperwork

Packing your paperwork is extremely important. The last thing that you want to happen is the hospital staff asking you for a document that you don’t have with you. It inconveniences everyone. Placing your paperwork neatly in a letter sized envelope is a good idea rather than your back pocket or wallet.

Reusable Water Bottle

In addition to bringing water with you, you will want to have a reusable water bottle as backup. You might be waiting for the baby to arrive for a long time. It’s important to stay hydrated.

Your Birth Plan

Do you have your birth plan prepared? If not, you can head over to Healthline to learn how to create a birth plan. This is important especially if you and your partner have specific plans regarding the birth of your baby. Having this ensures that everyone involved is more aligned.


You want to actually see your baby, right? If you wear glasses or contacts, ensure that you have them packed or at the very least bring them with you. Also pack contact solution if needed too.

Change of clothing

Comfort is key here. The more comfortable and relaxed that you are, the more you will be able to contribute positively to the whole experience. If you are uncomfortable, it could lead to irritability and that is not ideal. Pack comfortable clothes like sweatpants, t-shirts, and even pajamas.

Extra pocket change

Extra change or change in general is a good idea for the vending machines in the hospital. You may want to grab a chocolate bar or a quick snack. While a lot of vending machines are equipped with electronic ways to pay, you can’t always be sure that paying that way is going to work.

Father To Be Go Bag Recommendation

Because your father to be go bag is separate from the hospital bag that you will be taking, it is important that your bag be versatile and compact.

Shop Father To Be Go Bag on Amazon

While this is being referred to as a carry on bag, this is a great father to be go bag. The biggest advantage that this bag has is that it can double as a backpack. This frees up your hands to carry other things.

Checking out of the hospital when your baby is born can be chaotic and the more free hands you have available the better. Plus, if you have to travel by airplane then this works well as a carry on bag too.


This is an exciting time for you. And the more comfortable you are the better of a support system you will be for mom and baby. This list is very streamlined to provide only the essentials.

Because of all of the adrenaline that you will experience during this process, there is no need to overwhelm yourself by bringing your whole home with you to the hospital. Stay hydrated, comfortable, and nourished. Doing this will allow you to remain focused.

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