While it’s great to say sentimental things to a daughter on her birthday, saying something funny will be just as memorable. If you are having a hard time coming up with something funny to say to your daughter, here are 23 funny quotes that you can say to her on her birthday.
1. “I smile because you are my daughter. I laugh because there is nothing I can do about it. Happy Birthday.”
2. “No matter how old you get, at least you’re not ugly. Have an amazing birthday!”
3. “The best thing that a daughter like you can do for a father like me, is give me the 10 bucks I leant you last week. Happy Birthday!”
4. “Behind every great daughter is a Dad that got about 4 hours of sleep in 10 years. Happy Birthday.”
5. “You’ll always be my little girl, and I’ll always be your piggy bank. Wishing you a Happy Birthday.”
6. “The year that you start lying about your age has finally arrived! Happy Birthday.”
7. “You might think that I’m saying Happy Birthday too late, but somewhere in the world it’s still your birthday!”
8. “Happy Birthday princess! Thank you Facebook for the reminder.”
9. “You made it! Welcome to adulthood. Now pack your bags, we’ve rented out your room. Happy Birthday!”
10. “They say age is just a number. But in your case, don’t tell anyone your real age. Happy Birthday daughter!”
11. “On this day, your birthday, you make us so proud. We’re so proud that you can finally move out! Have a wonderful birthday.”
12. “You’ve aged just like moldy cheese! Happy Birthday!”
13. “Your birthday is like taxes, both happen often and there is no avoiding either. Happy Birthday daughter!”
14. “I can tell you’re getting old. Your candles cost more than the cake. Happy Birthday!”
15. “Here is my Fatherly advice on your birthday. Forget the past, you can’t change it. Forget the present, I didn’t get you one. Happy Birthday daughter.”

16. “I only drink on two occasions, when it’s your birthday and when it’s not. Have a wonderful birthday!”
17. “I hope your birthday is as awesome as your hair was in highschool!”
18. “As a father, I shouldn’t joke about your age. Because you’re going to be as old as me soon and that’s funny enough! Happy Birthday.”
19. “Remember pumpkin, growing old is mandatory but growing up is optional. Happy Birthday.”
20. Happy Birthday to a daughter who still isn’t showing her age or acting it!”
21. They tell me that as your daughter gets older, she gets wiser. I beg to differ. Happy Birthday!”
22. “I didn’t get a gift for your birthday this year. I figured that me saying Happy Birthday was enough. Happy Birthday!”
23. “I guess I should say Happy Birthday so that you’re nice to me in the nursing home. Have a great birthday.”
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