ways to get your kid to do chores

5 Supportive Ways To Get Your Kid To Do Chores

Getting your child to do chores is a very difficult task for a lot of parents. I’ve found that an effective way to achieve this is by involving them in household chores. However, getting kids to willingly participate in these tasks can be a challenge. Fortunately, there are several strategies that parents can employ to make chores a positive and engaging experience for their children. Here are five ways to have your kid do chores.

Manage Expectations and Delegate Age-Appropriate Tasks

It’s essential to establish clear expectations regarding chores and communicate them to your child. Clearly define the tasks they are responsible for and explain why it is important for them to contribute to the household. Breaking down chores into age-appropriate tasks is crucial to ensure that children feel capable and accomplished.

Start with simple tasks that are easily achievable for young children, such as making their bed or putting away their toys. As they grow older, gradually introduce more complex chores that align with their abilities, such as folding laundry or helping with meal preparation. By providing tasks that are within their capabilities, children are more likely to feel a sense of accomplishment and develop a positive attitude towards chores.

Make Chores Fun and Rewarding

Transforming chores into enjoyable experiences can greatly increase children’s motivation. Incorporate elements of fun and creativity into the tasks, turning them into games or challenges. For instance, you can set a timer and see if your child can complete a task before it goes off, or turn cleaning into a scavenger hunt by hiding objects that need to be put away.

Implementing a reward system can be highly effective. Consider using a chore chart or a sticker system, where your child receives a sticker or checkmark for each completed task. After accumulating a certain number of stickers, they can earn rewards, such as extra playtime, a special outing, or a small treat. These incentives provide children with a tangible and positive outcome for their efforts, reinforcing the connection between hard work and rewards.

Work Together

Children learn by observing their parents, so it’s important for parents to work together when it comes to chores. Display a positive attitude towards your own responsibilities and demonstrate the value you place on contributing to the household. Engage in chores alongside your child, emphasizing teamwork and cooperation. Working together not only strengthens the bond between parent and child but also makes chores more enjoyable.

When children see their parents actively participating in chores, they are more likely to feel motivated and understand that these tasks are a shared responsibility. Additionally, working side by side allows for guidance, teaching children the proper techniques and skills required to complete the tasks effectively.

Offer Support

Always offer support and guidance when necessary, especially for younger children who may need assistance or clarification on how to complete a task. Take the time to explain and demonstrate the proper methods for performing chores, and gradually encourage them to work independently as they grow older. Praise your child’s efforts and acknowledge their accomplishments to boost their self-esteem and reinforce their motivation.

Provide Autonomy and Flexibility

Giving your child some autonomy and flexibility in their chores can empower them and foster a sense of ownership. Allow your child to have some say in the tasks they want to take on or the order in which they prefer to complete them. This sense of control helps them feel more invested and responsible for their duties.

Moreover, provide flexibility in terms of timing and methods. While consistency is important, allowing children to choose when and how they complete their chores can make the process less rigid and more adaptable to their individual preferences and schedules. This autonomy promotes a sense of independence and self-discipline, enabling children to take pride in their contributions.


Getting children to do chores can be a positive and enriching experience when approached with the right strategies. By setting clear expectations, making chores fun and rewarding, leading by example, and providing autonomy, parents can instill a sense of responsibility and a strong work ethic in their children. The goal is not only to teach them essential life skills but also to foster a positive environment for them to thrive.

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