what do dads want to hear

What Do Dads Want To Hear?

Dads do their very best every single day. Not only do Dads work hard at being a big contribution to the household but if they have a spouse or partner then they have to work hard at being a good man in a relationship. This is in addition to being a good friend. And if he’s an uncle, being good at that too. Not to mention, a Dad also has to be a good son to his own parents.

What do dads want to hear? Dads want to hear that they are loved. They want to feel that they matter. They want to hear things like “I love you”, “I appreciate all of your hard work”, “Thank you for everything you do”, and “You mean a lot to me Dad.”

Most Dads think of themselves last

Even though most Dads won’t outright tell you what they want to hear, deep down they want to feel valued. This is because there are a lot of people that a Dad has to please. And when a Dad tries to please everyone but himself, it can spread him very thin emotionally. It’s challenging trying to be there for everyone. This tends to be why most Dads think of themselves last when it comes to rest and relaxation.

What Fathers need most

Fathers want to feel loved and appreciated. They want to be acknowledged for their hard work. A Father wants to be reassured that all of their hard work is valued. When a Father feels loved and appreciated, it makes him very proud. 

Putting in some effort to show your Dad love and appreciation will lift his spirits. Fathers are genuinely proud people and extremely appreciate everyone in his life and Dads just want those feelings reciprocated.

One way to make your Father feel special

Dads typically say that they never want you to buy them anything. However, there is nothing wrong with buying him a gift that shows him how you feel. Ensure that you put some thought into your gift. The more thought and effort that you put into buying him a gift, the more genuine it will feel to him. To help with some ideas, you can check out 7 Gift Ideas For Dads Who Want Nothing.

Dads are human too

The expectations placed on a Dad can be intense sometimes. And even though most Dads put a smile on their face, they still need to feel validated. Just like anyone else in the world, they want to know all of their efforts are not going unnoticed. Now, this doesn’t mean that they need to be applauded for every little thing that they do but every once and awhile, they would just like some acknowledgement.

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