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As your son gets older, you will notice facial hair start growing on his face. This is a natural part of growing up. And while some boys may have more facial hair than others, a 14 year old may have enough facial hair to start shaving.
A 14 year old boy should start by shaving once per week. This can vary based on the level of hair growth. But in most cases, shaving once per week is sufficient. Also, the facial hair will grow back slightly thicker.
When should boys start shaving?
Boys should start shaving between the ages of 9-15. Boys mature at different rates. Some start growing facial hair earlier than others. And most don’t start shaving until they are officially in their teenage years.
The reason why most boys wait until their teenage years to shave is because when a boy officially becomes a teenager at the age of 13, they adopt the mindset that they are officially a young man. And they want to do things that young men do, like shave. This is also dependent on how much facial hair he has too. Some boys may have to start shaving earlier to reduce the amount of facial hair that they have on their face.
How often should a teenager shave?
When a teenager starts shaving, he will typically shave one time per week. In some cases a teenager may only have to shave one time per two weeks. The reason that this can vary is that each teenage boy is different. And factors like genetics come into play. Ethnicity can play a factor too.
As the teenage boy gets older, he will generally have to shave more often. Especially going into his late teens like ages eighteen and nineteen. Shaving is typically increased to once everyday or once every second day by this age. It is also up to the personal preferences of the individual too. Some teenage boys like having facial hair and may choose not to shave whatsoever.
First shaving kit for teenage boy
To a teenage boy, the shaving section at a grocery store can be quite intimidating. With the vast selection of products that are available, it can leave a teenage boy wondering where to start. Not only can it confuse the teenager, but parents sometimes have a challenging time knowing what products to buy.
There are two ways that you can buy the supplies that you need. You can buy the shaving products separately.
BIC Flex 4 Titanium Sensitive

Gillette Series Shave Gel Sensitive

Buying shaving products separately can be a way to personalize your shaving experience but generally happens after the person gains more shaving experience.
The other alternative is to buy a shaving kit. A shaving kit is good not only for teenagers but for adults too.

As a first shaving kit for a teenage boy, it is easier buying the kit as a whole like the Dollar Shave Club kit.
Does shaving grow hair faster?
In most cases, shaving does result in hair growing faster. However, this is not immediate. Hair grows back more regularly and consistently the more the person shaves. Some people experience immediate hair regrowth as early as the next day while others may not see hair regrowth for a period of a week or longer.
Is shaving good for teenagers?
From a personal hygiene perspective, shaving is good for teenagers. When they feel that they are ready to shave, they should experiment with different shave creams and razors. Starting with products that are more geared towards sensitive skin will reduce the chances of him experiencing discomfort.
The more experience that the teeanger has at shaving, the more that they will figure out which products will work for him. This is going to be a process of self discovery as they navigate through all of the different options that they have at the grocery or online.
What happens when you shave your mustache too early?
The temptation to shave a mustache is normal. After all, there is hair on your upper lip and it looks like it could be shaved off. Shaving your mustache is a personal preference. If you want to let it grow, then by all means, you can let it grow. If you feel the urge to shave it off, then you can do that too.
There is really no such thing as shaving your mustache too early. Just be mindful that when you shave your mustache, it will grow back. And when it does, it may grow back a little faster and a little thicker than when you shaved it off.
When should I teach my son to shave?
There isn’t an exact age for when to teach your son to shave. Anything between the ages of 9 and 15 is common. Before your son starts shaving, it’s a great idea to talk about the idea of shaving. Ultimately, your son is going to want to shave when he feels ready. It’s not a good idea to pressure him to shave. You can share with him your past experiences with shaving. This opens up some dialogue around shaving and makes it less uncomfortable.
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