tips for new dads in the delivery room

9 Tips For New Dads In The Delivery Room

Being a new dad in the delivery room is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that can be both exciting and overwhelming. And supporting your partner and helping her bring your child into the world is one of the most important things a dad can do.

If you’re feeling anxious or nervous about what is going to take place in the delivery room, you’re not alone. Here are nine ways that you can make your experience in the delivery room more comfortable and less stressful.

Prepare for the unexpected

No matter how much you plan and prepare, there is always a chance that things will not go as expected during labor and delivery. Be ready to adapt and make decisions on the fly. Packing a father-to-be go bag can help you feel a lot more prepared.

Having things like a list of important phone numbers, a change of clothes, and any other items you might need during the delivery is a good idea. It’s also important to familiarize yourself with the hospital’s policies and procedures, as well as the birthing plan that you and your partner have agreed upon.

Communicate with your partner

Make sure you are on the same page with your partner when it comes to the birth plan. Discuss your expectations and any concerns you may have. 

Remember that your partner may be in a lot of pain and may not be able to communicate effectively, so make sure to pay attention to nonverbal cues as well.

Offer support

Labor and delivery can be a long and difficult process for your partner. Be there to support her physically and emotionally. Holding her hand and massaging her back may bring relief and calmness.

You can also offer words of encouragement, and be a comforting presence throughout the entire process.

Take care of yourself

It can be easy to forget to take care of yourself during this time, but it is important to do so. Try to get enough sleep, eat well, and take breaks when you need them. 

Taking care of yourself will help you to better participate in the birth of your child and bond with your baby in the early postpartum period.

Involve yourself in the birth

Ask questions and be informed about what is happening during labor and delivery. You may be able to participate in the delivery by catching the baby or cutting the cord.

You can also help your partner with various positions or breathing techniques during labor. 

Take lots of photos and videos

This is a special time that you will want to remember forever. Make sure to take lots of photos and videos to capture the experience. The pictures and videos that you capture can be used for keepsakes or memorabilia for your child’s room. They also are great to reflect on as your newborn gets older.

Exercise patience

Labor and delivery can take a long time and can be unpredictable. Be patient, try to stay positive, and go with the flow. Remember that this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and that it will all be worth it in the end.

Try not to get too caught up in timing or how things “should” be happening. Instead, focus on being present in the moment and supporting your partner in any way that she needs.

Have a grateful attitude 

Remember to take time to appreciate the amazing experience you are a part of. This moment will be a defining one for you and your partner, and it’s important to take a step back and reflect on the joy and gratitude you feel. 

Be present

The birth of your child is a special and transformative experience. It’s important to be present and take it all in, even if it’s not exactly how you imagined it would be. 

This may mean putting aside your own expectations and focusing on the birth of your child, your partner’s well-being, and the bond you will share with your new family member.


As a new dad, you may feel both excited and overwhelmed at the same time in the delivery room.

But by being prepared, communicating effectively with your partner, supporting her during the process, and taking care of yourself, you can make the experience a memorable and positive one for both you and your partner. 

And remember to do your best to be involved in the birth. Try to capture the moment with photos and videos, and most of all be patient. 

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