For most Dads, working out and getting fit can be straightforward. But sometimes, there is some confusion around how to work out. What are you supposed to do when you get to the gym?
Do you pick up a barbell, or do you run? Where do you even start?
There are many resources for getting fit, having that lean body, and working out. And there are different programs for different goals. Some routines are for building muscle and some are for burning fat.
Both are different. In this article, we will discuss the best workouts for dads where you can combine the two. Because let’s face it, when you’re a busy dad, you don’t have much time to waste.
Try starting with the traditional compound exercise like squats. Exercises for lower-body muscle strength and flexibility are not confined to the lower body alone. They can actually engage your whole body, giving you core stability and training your back.

Doing squats is pretty simple: keep your feet shoulder-width apart or wider and extend your hand straight in front of you for balance. Hold them at chest level or place them behind your head. Then bend at your knees and hips, sticking your buttocks out like you’re sitting in an imaginary chair.
After that, lift your chest and head, neutralize your spine and guard your low back by not rounding your spine. Then lower your hips so your knees are over your ankle and keep your weight back onto your heels to avoid pressure on the knees.
Keep your body tight and push through your heels focusing on using your glutes to bring yourself back to the starting position to reduce strain on your lower back. This is one rep.
Begin with 3 sets of 8 to 15 repetitions and then increase over time.
Bench Press
Add a bench press to your workout routine to burn upper body fats. The bench press helps you burn fat and build many muscles in the upper body.

It can be done regularly using weight-appropriate barbells, dumbbells, or a specialized bench press rack as part of your upper body workout. To do a bench press, lie on a workout bench under a rack that holds the bar with your eyes aligned with the front of the barbell rack uprights.
Your buttocks, shoulders, and head should be flat on the bench with a neutral spine. Your feet should be flat on the floor and a bit wide apart. It would be best if you kept your shoulder blades behind you to save from pressing with rounded shoulders.
Get the barbell with an overhand grip with your thumb outside your closed fist. Keep your arms wider than shoulder-width apart and at an angle of your upper arms 45 degrees to the body. With your elbows locked, remove the barbell from the rack.
Breathe in a while, lowering the bar towards your chest. Breathe as you push the bar above your chest by extending your arms. Keep your focus on the ceiling, not the bar, and lower the bar to just above the chest at the first position for another bench press.
Once you’ve finished your reps, place the bar back on the rack with elbows in a locked-out position and move back slowly until you feel the rack upright. Following this, you must lower the bar and let the barbell rest.
Kickstart this with 2 sets with 8 to 15 repetitions and increase the set and weight as you feel stronger.
Bent-over Row
Challenge yourself with a bent-over row. This is one of the finest fat-reducing and muscle-building exercises for your back and lower back.

Select a challenging weight without sacrificing form, when incorporating this exercise into your workout. To do it effectively, stand with your legs shoulder-width apart with your knees gently bent. Then hold a dumbbell in each hand, shoulder-width, with your palms facing each other.
Bend over at an exact 45° angle and take a deep breath. Pull the dumbbells towards the sides of your chest or to the bottom of your rib cage and breathe out. Then lift them to the point that your range of motion allows by keeping the wrist from moving as much as you can.
And lower the weights in a measured manner to the starting position as you breathe in. You have to remain bent over until all your repetitions are complete.
You must do 3 sets and 8 to 10 repetitions to get the desired results.
Push-ups with weights
Consider trying some heavy muscle-building exercises like push-ups with weights. The only difference between traditional and weighted push-ups is that weighted push-ups involve putting weight on your back.

Weighted push-ups are a fantastic exercise for busy dads because they strengthen and grow the chest, shoulders, and triceps. You can start with a small weight plate and slowly work your way up to put on heavy weights.
To do it, get into a push-up position on your knees or tabletop position. Then reach behind you and put the weight on your back.
After that, carefully extend your legs into a push-up position and do a set of push-ups. After completing, slowly return to a push-up position on your knees and remove the weight from your back.
You can start with 2 sets of 5-6 push-ups daily and rest for 1 minute in between sets. Gradually increase the number of reps and sets as you grow stronger.
When you feel confident and comfortable to move on to something more challenging you can start doing completely elevated weighted push-ups by getting into a push-up position on a high sturdy surface like boxes or a platform.
You must ensure that the weight is secure. Like with a weighted vest and then do a set of push-ups.
Arm raises with weights
Try doing arm raises with weights with push-ups for the entire upper-body workout. As a primary weight training exercise, arm raises with weights are excellent for building strength and well-marked shoulders.

While you stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, keep your arms hanging in front of you and hold dumbbells in front of your thighs. Your palms should face the thighs, your back should be straight, your feet must be flat on the surface, and you should be engaging your abdominal muscles.
Take a breath and lift the weight upward. Extend your arms, palms facing down, with a slight elbow bend to reduce joint stress. Pause for a second when your arms are horizontal to the floor. Then, lower the dumbbells to the first position at your thighs with a slow and controlled motion while breathing.
To start, you can do two to three sets of 10 to 15 repetitions and then with time increase the weights and sets.
The front raise mainly strengthens the shoulder muscles and works the upper chest. It can only help tone your shoulders, define their fronts and sides and build your overall strength.
Dumbbell Lunge
The dumbbell lunges the lower-body muscle-strengthening exercise that can increase hamstring, quadriceps, and glute strength. It can also help improve coordination and balance and pattern the joint movements for everyday locomotion like walking, running, sprinting, and climbing steps.

To perform dumbbell lunges, you’ll need space where you can take one giant step. Then, choose dumbbells of weight, and if you’re a beginner to this exercise start with light weights.
Stand up straight with a dumbbell in both hands and hang your arms at your sides. Your palms should face the thighs and your feet should be slightly less than shoulder-width apart. Take a breath and then take a big step forward with your right leg landing on the heel.
After that, bend at the knee until the right side touches parallel to the ground. Your left leg should be bent at the knee and balanced on the toes in the lunge position. Then step the right foot back, breathe out to return to the initial position, and repeat the same with the left leg.
You can start with two to three sets and 8-12 repetitions on each side and then slowly increase the intensity for more effectiveness.
Cardiovascular training also plays an essential role in fat-burning and muscle-building; you can do sprints as a cardiovascular exercise. For beginners, try a light jog for 50 seconds then a sprint for 10 seconds. Repeat this pattern at least five times.
High-intensity interval training (HIIT)
It is no secret that a fantastic workout for dads of all ages is HIIT. Especially for busy dads that have very little time to dedicate to long and laborious workout regimes.

HIIT is a combination of exercises done at a great intensity for a short time with little recovery. Unlike jogging on a treadmill for an hour. And this is any exercise that you feel comfortable doing.
This can include swimming, running, boxing, or cycling. Essentially any workout that you can do at least three times a week for 30-40 minutes. It’s important to have a mix of workouts throughout the week too.
Mix in some high-intensity training, and weight training. Some mobility work and recovery. Combined, these workouts can help you get the exercise that you feel you need while maintaining good cardiovascular health and flexibility.
Bottom line
Staying healthy is not only a good idea for yourself, but for your family too. Even though life can get very busy and hectic, it’s important to consider fitting in a workout into your weekly routine. You’ll want to live a long and healthy life for your kids. They most likely want that too.
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